
The main objective of this project is the setting-up and launch of experimental sites in Spain for the purpose of calibration and validation of Earth Observation sensors. The project is supported by different public and private agencies/institutions that have expressed interest on the availability of permanent calibration/validation sites for EO sensors currently on orbit as well as for future EO sensors: Seosat/Ingenio (CDTI), Sentinels 2 and 3 (ESA), Venμs (CNES), SSOT (Chilean Space Agency), etc.


To achieve this objective, the following action lines will be considered:


  • Target selection and instrumentation set-up, as well as the design of measurement protocols and optimal data storage and transmission. The agricultural area of Barrax (Albacete) will be the main test site, although other test sites (e. g. Doñana National Park, Extremadura) will be considered. There is an open possibility for selection of other test sites during the design phase of the project.

  • Using hyperspectral imaging sensors on board airplanes for a better characterization of the experimental sites and to establish a benchmark for development of upscaling methodologies in order to relate ground-measurements to pixel values. High resolution images will be also used for simulation of scenes with application to future missions as for example MISTIGRI (phase A, CNES) or TIREX (ESA).

  • Implementation of a processing chain in near-real time for MODIS (Terra/Aqua), VIIRS (Suomi-NPP) and SEVIRI (Meteosat) data acquired through the antennas located at the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) of the University of Valencia. This low resolution data will allow the validation of the upscaling methodology and also the generation of additional products for intercomparison with other sensors. Moreover, remote sensing products generated from MODIS, VIIRS and SEVIRI data will be provided to interested users. These products will be previously calibrated/validated over the experimental sites of the project.

  • Efficient implementation of an online geoportal allowing a user-friendly and effective access to calibrated/validated data and also to MODIS/VIIRS/SEVIRI products. This geoportal will be designed using advanced computing techniques to speed-up the data distribution and processing tasks.


This project proposes the integration of multidisciplinar and highly experienced research teams (UCG with the participation of researchers from INTA, and Hypercomp) that will ensure the achievement of the objectives stated above. All these groups have participated in several national and international initiatives and are involved in future EO missions. Finally, this project will contribute to the consolidation of our country in the calibration/validation activities of sensors currently in activity, as well as sensors on-board future missions.